What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement?
A Collective Bargaining Agreement – or CBA as it is abbreviated – is an agreement between an employer (in this case Basketball Australia) and a body representing the employees (Players’ Association). The CBA is a legally enforceable commercial agreement that governs the relationship between BA and the Players’ Association and sets out the terms and conditions under with the players agree to play for the national teams and under which BA employs the players.
What is Collective Bargaining?
Collective bargaining is the process of negotiations between the employer and the employees, through which the players as a whole, rather than individuals, negotiate with their employer. The end product of the negotiations is the CBA. From the outset of negotiations, BA and the Players’ Association have sought to work together in good faith to build the success and growth of Australian basketball.
What is the National teams CBA?
The National Teams CBA is the document that is negotiated, signed and agreed upon between Basketball Australia and the Players’ Association, on behalf of the players. The agreement provides the framework within which the players and BA operate. The National Teams CBA delivers the first official agreement between BA and the Boomers and Opals.
How long does the Agreement last?
The inaugural Agreement runs from 2018 to 2022 – a crucial period for the Australian national teams as they prepare for upcoming international tournaments, including the 2019 FIBA Men’s World Cup in China and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
What is included in the CBA?
- The CBA will deliver the players 25 per cent of BA revenue for international games in Australia and a vast suite of improved conditions
- The rights, responsibilities and obligations of the players, the National Teams and Basketball Australia
- Maximum Player Payments and Minimum Player Payments
- Funding for the Players’ Association Player Development Program (PDP)
- Funding to assist players in wellbeing, development and career transition
- Insurance for all Boomers and Opals players
- New standard player contracts implemented
- Minimum workplace standards
- Minimum medical standards
- A partnership between the players and Basketball Australia to grow the game
- Protection of player image rights and royalty payments
- Pregnancy and parental policy – new best practice policy
- Grievance Procedure
Why is this the first CBA between the Boomers and Opals?
Previously the Players’ Association and BA had worked together to establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2016, with the aim to deliver a CBA. Following 18 months of negotiations, the inaugural National Teams CBA has been delivered, providing an official partnership between the players and the game.
Who benefits from the CBA?
The players are now official partners in the game, earning a direct share of revenue from matches in Australia. For Basketball Australia the organisation now has formal guidelines through which it can work with the players and maximise their potential.
The Players’ Association Player Development and Wellbeing Program will deliver career planning and development, work experience, education and mental health support for players.
Why do the players want a CBA?
The players are now recognised for the contribution they make to the sport of basketball with a share in revenue that they help to generate. This incentivises the players to perform at their best and establishes a professional relationship between the administrators and the players.
Will every player benefit from the deal?
Yes. All players will have improved minimum standards across all aspects of their contracts. They will also share in 25 per cent of the revenue secured by BA from selected matches in Australia.
Where does the money go?
The funding provided in the CBA to the Players’ Association and Player Development and Wellbeing Program goes towards services for the players and specific programs for our Opals and Boomers players. These include legal advice and services, wellbeing, development and education programs, mental health support and collective representation.
What about NBL and WNBL players?
Since its establishment, the Players’ Association has been instrumental in securing minimum wages for basketballers playing in our National Leagues, negotiating improved conditions.
How does this compare to other sports’ CBAs?
The CBA provides best practice travel conditions, major event commercial share of revenue, royalty payments and contract provisions. The investment in the Players’ Association Player Development and Wellbeing establishes a principle of investing in players as people and professionals which exists in other professional codes and national teams.
What is the Australian Basketball Players’ Association?
The Players’ Association was formed in October 2016 by CEO Jacob Holmes from the foundations of the NBLPA and WNBLPA. Our objective is to grow the game and the player’s position as genuine partners in shaping the future of Australian Basketball. The Players’ Association Board is composed of prominent past players and industry experts in administration and finance, including Chairman Greg O’Neill, Deputy Chairman Mark Cowan, Director Andrew Bogut, Directors Dave Andersen, Laura Hodges and Bert Bargeus and CEO Jacob Holmes.
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